Companies holding on and retreating from DEI

This is a point-in-time snapshot, generated on 2025-03-12, derived from the listed sources. See the repo for how to update.
Retreating Sources Holding the Line Sources
Amazon R1, R7, R8 Abercrombie and Fitch H14
Amtrak R6 Adobe H14
Bank of America R6 Alliance Health H14
Boeing R6 American Airlines H15
Brown-Forman R1, R6, R7 Ancestry H14
CZI R5 Apple H8, H9, H12, H13, H14, H15
Chipotle R6 BJ's Wholesale H14
Citigroup R4, R6 Ben & Jerry's H9, H12, H14
Coca-Cola R6 Bering Straits Native Corporation H14
Comcast R6 Best Buy H14
Deloitte R6 CVS H1
Disney R6 Chick-fil-A H14
Ford R1, R6, R7 Cigna H14
General Electric (GE) R6 Cisco H12, H15, H16
Goldman Sachs R1, R6, R7 Citigroup H14
Google R1, R6, R7, R8 Cleveland Cavaliers H15
Harley-Davidson R1, R6, R7 Coca-Cola H11
Intel R6 Costco H9, H12, H13, H15, H16
JPMorgan Chase R4, R6 Delta Airlines H9, H12, H13, H15
John Deere R1, R6, R7 Deutsche Bank H12, H14, H16
KPMG US R3 Dollar Tree H14
Lowe's R1, R6, R7 Francesca's H9
McDonald's R1, R6, R7, R8 Gap Inc. H14
Meta R1, R6, R7, R8 Giant H3
Molson Coors R6 GoTo Foods H14
Morgan Stanley R4, R6 Goldman Sachs H12, H14
PBS R6 Honda H14
PayPal R6 JP Morgan Chase H12
Pepsi R1 JPMorgan Chase H9, H14
PepsiCo R4, R6 John Deere H8
Salesforce R1 Johnson & Johnson H14
Smithsonian Institution R6 Kroger H4, H14
State Street R2 Logitech H7, H14
Target R1, R6, R7, R8 Lush H9
The FBI R6 Macy's H14
Tractor Supply R1, R7 MassMutual H14
Uber R1 Mastercard H10, H14
Victoria's Secret R2 Match Group H14
Walmart R1, R6, R7, R8 McKinsey & Company H14
Wells Fargo R6 Meijer H5, H13, H14
Microsoft H9, H12, H13, H14, H15
Mitre H14
Nasdaq H15
National Football League H14
Nike H14
Old Navy H2, H14
Patagonia H9
PepsiCo H14
Philip Morris International H14
Pinterest H12, H14, H15
Procter & Gamble H13, H14
Progressive H14
REI Co-op H12
Salesforce H15
Sephora H13, H14
Southwest Airlines H15
TJX Companies H14
Tiffany & Co H14
Ulta Beauty H12, H14
United Airlines H15
Visa H6
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati H14
e.l.f. Beauty H12, H13, H15


R1) (2025-03-07) Which US companies are pulling back on diversity initiatives?
R2) (2025-03-05) Victoria’s Secret Tweaks DEI Language To ‘Inclusion And Belonging’: Here Are All The Companies Rolling Back DEI Programs
R3) (2025-02-21) Another DEI rollback as KPMG US ends strategy aimed at underrepresented groups
R4) (2025-02-20) Pepsi Rolling Back Diversity Initiatives
R5) (2025-02-19) Mark Zuckerberg’s charity guts DEI after assuring staff it would continue
R6) (2025-02-17) Forbes: Banks Including JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley Reportedly Cutting Back DEI References
R7) (2025-02-12) AP: Which US Companies Are Pulling Back on Diversity Initiatives
R8) (2025-02-11) TechTarget: What Companies Are Rolling Back DEI Policies

Holding the Line

H1) (2025-03-11) CVS
H2) (2025-03-11) Old Navy
H3) (2025-03-11) Giant
H4) (2025-03-11) Kroger
H5) (2025-03-11) Meijer
H6) (2025-03-11) Visa
H7) (2025-03-11) Logitech
H8) (2025-02-28) Companies may be rolling back their diversity policies but investors keep voting down anti-DEI shareholder proposals
H9) (2025-02-28) These U.S. Companies Are Not Ditching DEI Amid Trump’s Crackdown
H10) (2025-02-21) Mastercard diversity page (accessed 2025-02-21
H11) (2025-02-21) Coca-Cola warns of potential negative impact from DEI changes (ed: waffling)
H12) (2025-02-20) Here are eight major companies that have resisted anti-DEI backlash.
H13) (2025-02-18) Newsweek: DEI Companies Program List Policies Donald Trump
H14) (2025-02-17) Report: 46 Companies Sticking With DEI
H15) (2025-02-04) The Root: A List of Companies That Continue to Support DEI
H16) (2025-01-31) Business Insider: Companies Supporting DEI Efforts - CEO Comments

7 companies appear in both categories: 5 newer in retreating * Citigroup * Goldman Sachs * John Deere * PepsiCo * Salesforce 2 newer in holding * Coca-Cola * JPMorgan Chase New companies as of the most recent date: - Retreating (2025-03-07): ['Uber', 'Salesforce', 'Pepsi'] - Holding (2025-03-11): ['CVS', 'Giant', 'Visa'] New retreating companies previously in holding: * Salesforce